Join Mark as he dives into examples of how your client can become the target of a BAD sales tax audit. Mark will discuss different sales tax scenarios that could go wrong and ways you can help your clients to prevent such issues from blowing up.
Topics include:
1. What could happen when you are registered but do not file sales and use tax returns
• 6 year audit vs. 3 year audit
• Not registered but making taxable sales
2. Failing to maintain the correct documentations
• Sales
• Purchases
3. Failing to self-assess used tax
• Startup purchases
• Out-of-state vendors
• Contractor purchases
Mark will also speak about the issues that can arise from handling an audit on your own and what negotiating penalties entails.
Sales Tax Defense LLC
Mark L. Stone is the Managing Partner of Sales Tax Defense LLC since 2006. The firm specializes in Sales, Use and Transaction Taxes. Mark's work as a NY state tax auditor as well as a Tax Manager at several prominent accounting firms over the past 25 years has earned him a reputation as one of the top professionals for multi-state Sales and Use Taxes. Mark’s education includes having a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Information Systems of New York in 1992. He then got his Master’s degree in Taxation from C.W. Post, Long Island University in 2003.
Mark is also active in his community, and is committed to giving his time to local organizations educating businesses on the current sales and use tax laws and regulations. He accomplishes this by speaking at Chambers of Commerce, Bar Associations, and at many CPA and law firms throughout Long Island and New York City. As an adjunct professor, Mark encourages his students to start getting involved in professional organizations such as the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), National Conference of CPA Practitioners (NCCPAP), Accountant/Attorney Networking Group (AANG), and the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants (NYSSCPA).