
Patrick Bowers

Gratitude Financial
Pension Consultant/Founder and Chief Retirement Risk Advisor

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Patrick Bowers is the founder and Chief Retirement Risk Adviser of Gratitude Financial. As a fiduciary, he is dedicated to providing only the highest quality retirement and strategic planning solutions available to his clients. Passionate about helping prepare for and navigate the intricacies of the decumulation phase of life, he and his team specialize in wealth management, wealth transfer strategies, and strategic planning to enjoy the “Back 9” of life.
Pat is regarded as “down-to-earth” and a “great listener,” and with more than 20 years of classroom instruction, he is adept at distilling complex ideas in simple terms. He enjoys educating clients on the specific tools and resources that will help them work toward a rewarding and stress-free retirement. His purpose and passion are fulfilled through teaching: whether to teenagers on the verge of entering the world of work or to boomers on the verge of retiring from that world. 

A graduate of San Diego State University, with a B.A. in English in 1997, and UMass Global with Masters degrees in instruction and leadership, Pat is an active member of the San Diego County public education community, well-versed in pension accumulation, supplementation, and distribution.
Beyond his own personal experience, credentials, certificates, and securities and insurance licenses in Long Term Care, Life, Health, and annuities, (CA LIC 4058525), his wealth management team members include CPAs, CFPs, multi-family real estate experts, and securities professionals registered with FINRA Series 7, 24, 65, and 66.

About Us: When it comes to retirement planning, the Gratitude Mission is to serve financial peace of mind with gratitude, clarity, and compassion. We listen to our clients’ needs and ambitions, and we tap into our team of expert advisors, tax specialists, and estate planners to create an Individualized Retirement Plan to best suit our clients’ aspirations. When you work with the Gratitude team, you can count on straightforward help preserving a safe retirement income that will last your lifetime, lowering your tax burden throughout retirement, and mitigating the risk of a long-term care event draining your nest egg prematurely. We also specialize in estate planning, life insurance, premium financing, and key person executive bonus plans for businesses.